The program is designed to maximise the long-term personal Leadership Transformation benefits by incorporating
3 key elements:
- Hogan Assessment,
- Personal Strategy Session (1-day or 2 consecutive half days)
- Leadership Transformation Support Mentorship
that consists of 5 (in 3-months program) or 11 (in 6-months program) regular 1:1 sessions to discover ways and solutions how to accelerate the Leadership Wisdom in a meaningful transformation.
Clarity where you are the strongest, what are the weakness, opportunities that are still unused. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence.
Inventory of current activities and calendar, energy gainers and energy drainers, self-care and personal well-being practices review.
How to take better care of personal time and energy, how to prioritize and delegate more, empower people and achieve better results as a Leader, not a Manager.
Clarity of choices available, identified new opportunities, increased decision power, gained inspiration, energy and enthusiasm to overcome challenges ahead.